

Why Exportpools?

The choice of pools these days is extremely… We would like to make it easier for you to find your dream pool. This will take you step by step to your personalised offer and, ideally, to your feel-good pool. Our advantages at a glance:


Covering from Super Slim to hall roofing

We will be happy to advise you on the right sizes and heights for your future pool enclosure.

Überlauf Pools

and sophisticated

Infinity Pools

An eye-catcher!
Ambient lights
available to book


You can now book the ‘WOW effect’ when you choose one of our InfinityPool systems. The Infinity channel is fitted with LED strips that create a special ambience and are only available from Exportpools.cz.

Good to know

Stairs are

There are plenty of options for planning the steps and stairs in your new pool! Whether it’s a corner entrance or a full-width staircase, or a narrow entrance to maintain the free swimming area, especially for smaller pools. We have already realised several customer ideas. Just ask our advisors or take a look at the gallery here and be inspired!


Good to know


One of the main features of the polypropylene pool is its speed of installation and long service life. Polypropylene is completely UV-stable and, unlike fibreglass pools, is not subject to osmosis.


Do you want a clean and clear pool? Then you need a pool skimmer that removes dirt from the water surface. Whether you need a standard skimmer, slim skimmer or high-level skimmer, you’ll find the right model for your pool here. Take a look at our selection and order today!

Schöne Weihnachts- Feiertage!

Alle Pools wurden abgedeckt und alle Pumpen Winterfest gemacht! Die Bestellungen für dieses Jahr sind ausgeliefert. Deshalb gönnen wir unserem Team eine wohlverdiente Pause!

Von 18.12.2024 – 07.01.2025

Ab 07.01. sind wir wieder für Sie da! Nutzen Sie die besinnlichen Tage und machen sich Gedanken über ein neues Pool im Garten. :) Gerne können Sie uns trotzdem eine Anfrage schicken!